Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I blew it
I can't believe it
Hours of practicing
Days of traveling
Weeks, months of training
Years spent living and breathing it
Every moment building up to this
Now here I am
Replaying it all in my head
How could I have blown it?
If only I had worked harder
Practiced longer, ran faster
If only....

Original Poem...

Look at the found poetry project for my original poem...


A delicious jelly
Settles into slick cement
Curse legs and that bed cramp
A gun battle
I am not oppressed

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Emotion Poem

Stress of writing essays
Stress of final exams
Stress of having money
Stress of nagging mother
Stress of needy brother
Stress of family cross country
Stress of car that doesn't work
Stress of landlord being a jerk
Stress of Dr. Brandao and his pompous remarks
Stress of finishing the semester
Stress of three more weeks.....

Self Portrait Poem

Softball fields at WMU
Tailgating with my crew
Friends and I cheer
Wearing Western gear
Drinks on the go
With Buster Bronco
With Maris and Grace
Smile on my face
The sun is really bright
I'm holding Natty Light
A memorable snapshot
Of me and the mascot

Letter to a Friend...

Hey there...
How are you doing? Hope all is well..This weekend was rather uneventful but I did go out Saturday night with some friends from Jackson. Sarah and I showed them around some of the bars downtown like Shakespeare's, Monaco, Harvey's, etc. We had a good time and everyone enjoyed how much cheaper it is to go to the bars in K-Zoo than in Jackson. On Sunday I got sucked into a marathon of America's Next Top Model on MTV. I don't even know why... Tyra annoys me so much that I could barely stand it, yet I had to stick it out and watch to see who won. It was a sad way to spend an entire day, but hey it was Sunday and I just didn't feel like being productive.. Anyway, hope you enjoyed your weekend..
Talk to ya later, Katey

Friday, November 9, 2007

Fire Write....

Dear Construction Crew on Monroe St.,

I understand that as construction workers you have a job to do, but the fact that you begin your outrageously noisy work at the crack of dawn everyday is incredibly annoying. I have had more rude awakenings in the past few months then I can count thanks to your crew and their thundering vehicles. The best is the incessant beeping that occurs when your machines are backing up. It is not only the noisy machines hauling and dropping that cause so much frustration, but the the workers who scream back and forth at one another all morning long. Not to mention the fact that a "supplies" semi was parked in our street for about a month and I never once witnessed a single supply taken from there...In addition to this, you choose to park your vehicles in my yard and all over our already crowded street to have lunch. So not only have you guys disturbed my sleep and taken over my road, but now I have Joe and Steve looking through my window while they enjoy their afternoon sandwich. I thought that the cold weather would eventually deter you guys and eliminate this problem, but it seems you guys are determined to persevere and go on irritating everyone in our neighborhood. Please construction crew, go away...or at least use morning voices...

Thank You, Katey Robinson

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


My article was about the growth of peanut allergies and how peanuts could be banned from schools..

"Peanut-free zone"
Deadly Reactions
Oh Peanut Butter
Why do they attack you?
You provided the world
With a velvety snack
The perfect compliment
To a delicious jelly
Allergies they claim
Will deprive school kids
Of your sticky goodness