Wednesday, December 5, 2007

High School Computer Time

When I was in high school, I was unaware of places like Facebook and Myspace, I am not even sure if they existed yet, so computer time either meant playing online games, or socializing with friends. Our computer lab was set apart from our library and for the most part, went unmonitored so usually everyone just gathered around and talked. There are very few times I can remember actually researching or doing homework in the lab, and the times I can remember were times I was quickly trying to finish something due the next hour. I guess, to sum it all up, computer time really meant social time in my high school.


Although I am sure that pod casts could benefit the classroom and help break up the monotony of lecture, I wouldn't use them in my classroom. This is in part due to the fact that I hate talk radio. It comes from being a child in the backseat of the car and my dad forcing me to listen to AM 1450. Ever sense then, just the sound of talk radio makes me sick to my stomach. I personally find talk radio shows incredibly boring so I wouldn't incorporate them in my classroom, but thats just my opinion, which is in large part due to scarring.

Technology's Educational Benefits..

Personally, without the use of technology in my college education, I would be lost. I am not sure what I would do without the ability to get on the WMU library website from home and look to see if they have particular books and if they have been checked out or not. Without the ability to e-mail professors and classmates with questions or concerns, there are times I definitely would have failed assignments. I don't even want to begin to think about doing homework without internet search engines and online encyclopedias. In fact, I don't know how people were able to function in school without the use of technology, I for one can not picture my life without it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I blew it
I can't believe it
Hours of practicing
Days of traveling
Weeks, months of training
Years spent living and breathing it
Every moment building up to this
Now here I am
Replaying it all in my head
How could I have blown it?
If only I had worked harder
Practiced longer, ran faster
If only....

Original Poem...

Look at the found poetry project for my original poem...


A delicious jelly
Settles into slick cement
Curse legs and that bed cramp
A gun battle
I am not oppressed

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Emotion Poem

Stress of writing essays
Stress of final exams
Stress of having money
Stress of nagging mother
Stress of needy brother
Stress of family cross country
Stress of car that doesn't work
Stress of landlord being a jerk
Stress of Dr. Brandao and his pompous remarks
Stress of finishing the semester
Stress of three more weeks.....